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Start 2024 Strong: 3 Ways to Regroup, Recharge, and Reach Your Goals

Real Estate Back Office

Starting 2024 strong is crucial to growing your brokerage and reaching your goals. However, the wrong technology can hold your brokerage back and make it hard to start the year strong. That’s why you need the right back office software to help you and your team regroup, recharge, and reach your goals.

Wondering what technology can help you start the year strong? We’ll cover everything you need to know to regroup, recharge, and reach your goals in 2024. To start, let’s take a look at the first way to start the year strong – automation.

1. Automate and delegate

The first way to start 2024 strong is to automate menial tasks and delegate lower-value to-dos.

Running your brokerage involves a lot of manual tasks – like data entry/transfer, document creation, record keeping, agent management, and more. Spending all your time on these menial tasks means you have less time to focus on revenue-generating tasks that grow your brokerage.

To avoid spending so much time on manual tasks, you need back office software that automates these tedious tasks. The right back office software can automatically find, enter, and transfer data, populate forms, create eSignature documents, keep records, track agent progress, and more. With this automation, you can spend less time in the weeds and more time doing what matters.

Along with automation, you can also reduce the time you spend on low-value tasks by delegating. Instead of having to do every small thing to run your brokerage, you should delegate these tasks to your team. This frees you up to focus on dollar-productive activities that actually grow your brokerage.

By automating and delegating low-value tasks, you can ensure your focus is on revenue-generating activities – making it easy to start the year strong and grow your brokerage.

2. Reinvigorate your team

Along with automating and delegating, you can also start 2024 strong by reinvigorating your team.

As the year draws to a close, it’s easy for your team to lose momentum and feel depleted. Your team can struggle to see opportunities for individual and brokerage growth. This lack of a unified vision and momentum can stifle growth and make it hard to start 2024 strong and achieve your goals.

The right back office software can reinvigorate your team for a strong start next year. Agent dashboards highlight growth opportunities. This makes it easy for agents to see what they need to do to reach their goals – motivating them to start the next year strong.

Plus, the right back office software keeps everyone on the same page with a single, unified platform. Instead of your team having to navigate multiple point solutions (which is frustrating and time-consuming), your team only has to use one back office platform. With one platform, it’s easy for everyone to be on the same page and know exactly what they need to do to start 2024 strong.

By getting everyone on the same page and making it easy to spot growth opportunities, the right back office software can help you reinvigorate your team to start 2024 strong.

3. Surround yourself with a success network

Lastly, you can start 2024 strong by surrounding yourself with a success network.

Even the best tech can be hard to use if you don’t have the right support. Having to learn back office software on your own can be frustrating and time-consuming. Plus, it can slow adoption and make it hard to get your tech adopted throughout your brokerage.

That’s why you need back office software with great support and training. The right back office software should have excellent support and training that makes it a breeze for your team to start using your software. Plus, your back office software should be part of a larger network of brokerage tools that makes it easy to connect your systems throughout your brokerage.

Along with great tech support, attending conferences (like Inside Real Estate’s Unite conference) is a great way to surround yourself with a success network. These conferences can keep you up to date on the latest tech news and help you get the most out of your brokerage tech.

Surrounding yourself with a success network can help you maximize the ROI of your tech – making it easy to start 2024 strong.

Wrapping it up

A strong start to 2024 is key to achieving your goals in the next year. A strong beginning to the year can generate the momentum your brokerage needs to grow and have a great year. On the other hand, a weak start to the year can make it hard to accomplish your goals during the rest of the year. The right back office software makes it easy to start the year strong.

The top three ways to use back office software to start 2024 strong are automating and delegating low-value tasks, reinvigorating your team by getting everyone on the same page and spotting opportunities, and surrounding yourself with a success network. These three strategies make it easy to start the year strong and reach your goals.

If you’re looking for the best back office software to help you start the year right, Brokermint is the way to go. Brokermint’s complete back office platform makes it easy to get everyone on the same page. Plus, Brokermint’s agent dashboards make finding opportunities a breeze. And, Brokermint’s automation and great support also help you start 2024 the right way.

Along with features to start the year strong, Brokermint also has five core modules – transaction management, commission automation, accounting, agent management, and reporting/analytics. With these five modules, Brokermint has everything you need to streamline and modernize your back office.

Book your Brokermint demo today to see how back office software can help you start 2024 strong.