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Brokermint eSignature Is Easier, More Secure, and Built by Brokermint

Real Estate Back Office

Brokermint introduces Brokermint eSignature, improving the stability, security, and usability of the eSignature process in its real estate back office software.

The improved eSignature system has already launched for new Brokermint clients. Current Brokermint clients are transitioning now, with all clients completing the transition by April 4, 2021. The previous environment will no longer be available, but all documents eSigned in the previous environment will remain accessible to clients in their Brokermint accounts. Clients also have a 30 day period to complete signatures on existing signature requests in the old system.

Happy businesswoman standing with table computer over gray background. Wearing in blue shirt and glasses.Designed and developed by the Brokermint team, Brokermint eSignature is now a seamless and fully integrated piece of the platform. 

"Our clients expressed to us some improvements they wanted to see in how eSignatures work in Brokermint," said Andrew Chishchevoy, President and CEO. "We took those requests to heart and got to work building a better system with a focus on stability and security."

Brokermint eSignature offers the most complete eSignature package certificate available. And it can be accessed both as an attachment and online.

The package certificate also includes a complete timeline of a signer's actions and secure signature identification. A QR code and a package verification page serve as additional proof of signed document authenticity.

Brokermint eSignature is completely mobile friendly, and signature and initials now are remembered by the system.